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Privacy policy

We know we have certain obligations under the Data Protection Act 1998 and the newly incorporated GDPR Compliance requirement of 2018, so we take good care to comply at all times with this and all relevant UK and EU laws. We understand the issues and concerns surrounding the use of personal data in business, so we maintain very high standards and are accountable to you at all times.

Last Updated 01/10/2020


Time and Data Systems International (TDSi) is committed to protecting the personal data of our clients and colleagues and ensure it is only ever used lawfully and in accordance with your understanding of its use. The following information explains how we use the personal information that we collect about you.

Data Protection Act

The EU General Data Protection Regulation 

(“GDPR”) comes into force across the European Union on 25th May 2018 and brings with it the most significant changes to data protection law in two decades. Based on privacy by design and taking a risk-based approach, the GDPR has been designed to meet the requirements of the digital age.

Described by the UK’s Information Commissioner as “the biggest change to data protection law for a generation”, the regulation replaces existing member state laws that implemented the previous data protection directive, and despite the UK leaving the EU it is likely to be engrained in the UK law thereby replacing our Data Protection Ace 1998.

Why we collect your personal data

In order for us to effectively carry out the services that you require from us, we need to collect and retain your information. Without your personal information, we would struggle to deliver on our contractual duties of work, as well as be rendered unable to fulfil our legal and regulatory obligations.

What information do we collect and how is it used?

We collect information about you via a number of collection points. These include but are not limited to:

  • Product Registration
  • Account Set-up
  • Website Forms
  • Video Conferencing

The information we collect directly relates to the service that you have engaged us to provide. More often than not, the information we collect is limited to contact details and is kept purely to record and support the work that we do and to maintain relevant communication with you. For example;

  • If you open a new client account with us, the information we collect will contain contact and financial information that has been volunteered by you.
  • When you register a software purchase online you will be asked to input your contact details so you are identifiable as the rightful owner of that product and so we can assist you down the road should you have any issues.
  • In order for us to trade with you on a continual basis, we will keep hold of your contact details. This also allows us to process returns should you have an issue with a product/service.

You can request to have your information removed at any time unless this has an adverse impact on our ability to carry out our contractual work.

Direct Marketing Use

When you come on-board as a customer of TDSi, we will use your information to help us deliver relevant, benefit-driven content. This information will be sent via a direct marketing platform that grants you the power to unsubscribe at any time, should you feel the information is not relevant to you.

Sharing your information


There are occasions when your personal data will be shared internally, however, this would only ever be for the benefit of the work we are carrying out and managed securely. Instances where we may share your details between teams include:

  • Joint projects – Technical Support teams may need to speak with Sales
  • Support issues – Technical Support we will sometimes share information with Development
  • Sales and Finance – These depts. will talk for the purpose of payment, refunds and other financial circumstances
  • Customer surveys – We carry out bi-annual surveys on our customers to ensure that we are performing at an optimal level. To do this, Marketing will use the existing contact details from our CRM database. This database is encrypted and holds all our client details.
  • Sales and Marketing – These two teams will (when required) share client contact information from the encrypted CRM, for the purpose of sending out direct marketing communications.


There are few instances when we will share your information externally / with a third party. Some of these are through legal obligation and others are so we can continue to provide the service you require of us. At no time, is your information being shared with external parties that are not a) GDPR complaint b) necessary to the delivery of the work we are doing. Third parties we may send your information to include Accountancy and Legal Service providers.

When working with third party portals such as our CRM system, we will only use those that have the recommended levels of encryption in place to ensure your data is secured and through third party controllers who have been able to demonstrate their compliance with the new data protection laws.

We have a record of all our third party compliance partners and are happy to pass this information over to you for your own review at any time. For further information on our third party companies and compliances please contact

Please note: We will not pass your details to any other third party, without your express permission, unless we have reason to believe that disclosing this information is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be causing injury to or interference with (either intentionally or unintentionally) TDSi’s rights or property, other users, or anyone else who could be harmed by such activities. We also reserve the right to disclose user information when we believe in good faith that the law requires it.

Storing your personal data

Any personal data held by TDSi will be stored either via access controlled security measures (locally) or via encryption on third party systems such as our CRM. This provides protection against unlawful/unauthorised processing.

From time to time, staff working on your project may enter your contact details into their phones and laptops for the purpose of carrying out contractual obligations. These devices are access controlled and personal data is only retained for the duration of the contract. 

For more information on the platforms we use, please contact

Access to the information we hold about you

At any time, you have the right to request a copy of the personal information we hold about you. You can make a request to us in writing or by email using the details listed below.

Time and Data Systems International
Unit 10, Concept Park
Innovation Close
Dorset, BH12 4QT

Should you wish to make a change/update the information that we hold about you, you can request a change by contacting us at the email listed above.

How long will we keep your information?

In accordance with the new regulations, your personal data will not be held for longer than is required, under the terms of our contract for services with you. However, in instances where we are legally obligated to retain your information, we will do so for the duration of time recommended by the governing body.

You have the right to request your personal information be deleted from our systems at any time. However, this will be subject to the restrictions of our regulatory obligations and legitimate interests as noted above.

Website Visitors

TDSi works with several third parties to provide the services that you, the Data Subject receives. In all cases, there is either an explicit contract in place between TDSi and the third party, Terms and Conditions or another legally binding relationship.

Third party tools such as Google Analytics are used to collect standard internet log information and details of visitor behaviour patterns. For more information on our website data collection policy – please see our Website Privacy Notice.

E-Marketing and Communications

From time to time we would like to get in touch with you regarding updates to our products and services that we feel are of legitimate interest to you. This includes but is not exclusive to, pricing increases, software updates and event information. We will never contact you with information that we do not feel provides legitimate benefit.

We use the third party provider MailChimp to deliver our E-Marketing Communications. This tool allows us to gather statistics around opening and clicks which enables us to monitor and continually improve the communications we send out. TDSi does not share your data with the third party for marketing purposes.

MailChimp is an encrypted platform that complies with current GDPR. For more information, please see MailChimp’s Privacy Notice.

Please Note: You are welcome to request your details are removed from this mailing list at any time. To do so, please contact or click the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the email.

Video Conferencing

From time to time, we will use third-party video conferencing services for business purposes, both internally and externally. Video and audio from video conferencing services may be recorded and saved for internal review or distribution to attendees. 

If you do not want to be recorded during your use of these video conferencing services , you may inform your host of that decision and/or decline to use the services.

Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy and security practised by those video conferencing tools. We would advise you to read the privacy policies for those websites if you have any hesitation or concern.

For more information on our video conferencing services policy – please see our Video Conferencing Policy.

Other Websites

From time to time, the content on our website will link through to other websites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy and security practised by those websites. We would advise you to read the privacy policies for those websites if you have any hesitation or concern.

Online Cookie Policy

TDSi uses cookies to make your experience of our website better. This includes necessary cookies to interact with the website, analytical data and some third party cookies. For a complete list and further information about the use of cookies please see our Cookie Policy.


Right to lodge a complaint without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, every data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

Information Commissioners Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire. SK9 5AF

Contacting Us

Should you have any questions about the details listed in our privacy policy, or indeed questions relating to how we use and process your personal information, please write to us via post or email at:

Time and Data Systems International
Unit 10, Concept Park
Innovation Close
Dorset, BH12 4QT