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CALMS Visitor Management Integration


CALMS’ Visitor Management Software Platform integrates with GARDiS Pro Access Control Software to deliver an intuitive visitor management solution designed to provide a seamless access control solution for visitors and others with temporary access to any GARDiS Pro controlled site.

The CALMS Platform can be customised to create bespoke visitor check-in processes to enable the collection of additional visitor-specific information depending on the nature of the temporary pass issued. For example, temporary contractors may have to share proof of qualification or insurance before their pass is issued whereas for other visitors it may be a requirement that they provide their Passport Number or Drivers License.

The Software allows for easy issuance of a visitor pass or credential, along with additional bespoke access control rights associated with the pass. This enables granular customisation of parameters such as access levels and credential validity periods which are then passed to GARDiS Pro upon visitor pass issuance.


Bespoke Visitor Check-In Process

Custom Workflows

Visitor Check-In and Check-Out

Maintain Digital Records

The CALMS Integration requires GARDiS Pro Software version 2.6 or above to function. This Software Integration will not work with older versions of GARDiS Software, for more information about updating your GARDiS Software, please visit our GARDiS Help Website or contact our Technical Support Team. For ongoing Software Support, you may want to consider one of our Base or Bespoke Software Support Agreements, please contact us for more information.

This GARDiS Software Integration with CALMS Visitor Management Platform also requires a subscription to CALMS Visitor Management Software Platform which is available from CALMS directly.

  • Quick and easy Visitor Registration
  • Custom workflows to facilitate gated visitor pass creation
  • Visitor Check-in and Check-out
  • Notification of visitor arrival to hosts or employees who may be expecting them
  • Capability to maintain digital records of visitors.
  • Multi-site support allowing for visitor passes to be used over multiple sites if needed

TDSi GARDiS - CALMS Integration (4420-3066)

Ideal for Visitor Management

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