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Suprema Biometric Reader Integration


TDSi’s GARDiS Software integrates with Suprema Biometric Readers using Suprema’s G-SDK. This allows Suprema Biometric readers to validate a person when connected to TDSi Access Controllers.

The GARDiS integration allows for enrolment of Facial and Fingerprint Biometric Templates within the GARDiS Software, these are then distributed to Suprema Readers connected to the System. Once set up these Biometric Templates can be used as Access Control Credentials at locations on the system where Suprema Biometric Readers are installed. ‘Biometric + PIN’ and Fingerprint on Card Enrolment are also supported where required.

Fingerprint and Facial Templates can be added using a Suprema Reader. Fingerprint Templates can also be enrolled using the Suprema USB Enrolment Pod.

This integration has been tested extensively using TDSi’s GARDiS Access Control Software and the Suprema FaceStation F2 Reader. TDSi would recommend consulting with Suprema when planning your project to ensure compatibility of your selected Suprema Biometric Reader.


Supports Facial Templates

Supports Fingerprint Templates

Works with Suprema USB Enrolment Pod

Uses Suprema G-SDK

The Suprema Biometric Integration requires GARDiS Pro Software version 2.5 or above to function. This Software Integration will not work with older versions of GARDiS Software, for more information about updating your GARDiS Software, please visit our GARDiS Help Website or contact our Technical Support Team. For ongoing Software Support, you may want to consider one of our Base or Bespoke Software Support Agreements, please contact us for more information.

  • Connect Suprema Biometric Readers to current TDSi Access Control Units
  • Uses Suprema G-SDK for connection to Suprema Biometric Readers
  • Supports Enrolment of Fingerprint and Facial Templates with GARDiS Software
  • Distributes Fingerprint and Facial Templates to Suprema Biometric Readers
  • Supports Fingerprint on Card Enrolment
  • Supports Biometric + PIN Enrolment

Please Note: The GARDiS Software Suprema Biometric Integration requires an additional Biometric Device License (4420-3059) for each Biometric Device connected to GARDiS Software. Please order one license per Biometric device to ensure successful Integration setup.

TDSi GARDiS - Suprema Biometric Integration (4420-3050)

Ideal for GARDiS Pro Software Integration
GARDiS Suprema Biometric Integration

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